Forum themes

Forum themes and subthemes:

Themes Subthemes

1.     Structure and Governance

·      Models of GE in relation to HEIs.

·      Leadership, Management Performance of GE in HEIs.


2.     Emerging Educational Technological Trends


·      Best Practices for teaching with Emerging technologies

·      Technology based Adaptive learning

·      Blended and Hybrid Learning

·      Gamification

·      E-learning

·      Open Ended Education Resources

·      Assessments using Emerging Digital Technologies 

·      Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative Technologies in Education


3.     Emerging Trends in Research


·      Inter/Multidisciplinary Research

·      Research Teaching Nexus

·      Building Research Capabilities

·      Research in Humanities


4.     Sociological, Psychological, Cultural Dimension  


·      Education and Culture

·      Media and Culture

·      Language and Culture

·      Challenging and Preserving Culture

·      Inter / Multiculturalism